
Below is a listing of interesting and useful internet links about the various topics covered by this weblog:

Related weblogs:

- Christos military and intelligence corner
- About Canadian SIGINT: Lux ex Umbra
- About ciphers and crypto: Dirk's Weblog
- The nuclear secrecy blog: Restricted Data
- GCHQ's SIGINT Historian
- The SatTrackCam Leiden (b)log
- Embedded security, kernel and crypto challenges: root labs rdist
- Matthew Green: A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
- Weblog of Bruce Schneier on Security
- Steven Aftergood's Secrecy News
- The Lawfare blog
- The weblog emptywheel
- IT law from the UK: Cyberleagle
- Richard Bejtlich's blog: Tao Security
- The weblog of William M. Arkin Online
- About cyberwar: Matthijs R. Koot's notebook
- The Grugq's Tumblr: Underground Tradecraft
- Weblog from Errata Security
- Stewart Baker's Skating on Stilts
- Marc Ambinder's The Compass
- The weblog of intelligence expert Matthew Aid
- About intelligence, strategy and security: The XX Committee / re: Snowden
- French weblog about Intelligence and Defense: Zone d'Intérêt
- Dutch intelligence weblog: 3 Secret Fingers
- A US Intelligence blog:
- French intelligence newsletter:
- Expert analysis & commentary
- The British Spy Blog
- — cypherpunks
- Wired State
- National Security Archive Blog
- Cyber Operations Tracker

Related websites:

- The Infosecurity Magazine
- Jane's International Defence Review
- German website about Geheime Welten
- Dutch website about
- German website about
  - Netzpolitik live blogs: NSA Inquiry

- Forum about Above Top Secret
- The Federation of American Scientists
- The Cryptome / Eyeball Series
- Spy back: NSA Observer - ICWATCH

- Nice Open Source IMINT
- Public Intelligence
- Government Attic
- The National Security Archive
- Media platform of Greenwald c.s.: The Intercept
- Articles by William Arkin: Phase Zero
- About national security issues: War on the Rocks
- Let's learn about intelligence: Intelligence 101
- Analysis of NSA material by Paul Dietrich
- The US National Cryptologic Museum Foundation
- The Homeland Security Digital Library
- Github: National Security Agency
- Declassified US intelligence documents: IC On the Record
- The Canadian Citizenlab
- The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
- Online investigations:
- European intelligence in context: About Intel

Some key documents related to NSA

- Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board report: Report on Certain NSA Uses of XKEYSCORE for Counterterrorism Purposes (pdf) (2020)
- President Biden: Enhancing Safeguards for United States Signals Intelligence Activities (EO 14.086) (2022)
- Paper by Mark M. Jaycox: No Oversight, No Limits, No Worries: A Primer on Presidential Spying and Executive Order 12,333 (2019)
- Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board: Report on the Government's Use of the Call Detail Records Program Under the USA Freedom Act (2020)
- Statement before the House Committee on the Judiciary on the FISA Amendments Act (pdf) (2016)
- National Research Council: Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options (pdf) (2015)
- NSA Civil Liberties and Privacy Report about Targeted SIGINT Activities under EO 12333 (pdf) (2014)
- President Obama's Presidential Policy Directive (PPD-28) (pdf) (2014)
- Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board report: Surveillance Program Operated Persuant to Section 702 FISA (pdf) (2014)
- Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board report: Telephone Records Program Conducted under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act (pdf) (2014)
- Legal fact sheet: Executive Order 12333 (pdf) (2013)
- Reconstruction of the US National Intelligence Priorities Framework (2007-2013)
- The Department of Defense Directive about NSA/CSS (pdf) (2010)
- The NSA's org chart
- NSA's SIGINT Style Manual (pdf) (2010)
- The NSA Inspector General's Report about STELLARWIND (pdf) (2009)
- The NSA Strategic Mission List (pdf) (2007)
- The National Cryptologic School Television Center Catalog (1991)
- The Classified Annex to EO 12333 (pdf) (1988)
- President Reagan's Executive Order 12333 (1981)
- Links to NSA Cryptologic Histories

Some key documents related to GCHQ

- Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation: Report of the Bulk Powers Review (pdf) (2016)
- Intelligence and Security Committee of British Parliament: Report on the capabilities of the UK intelligence agencies (pdf) (2015)
- GCHQ: HIMR Data Mining Research Problem Book (pdf) (2011)

Interesting articles and sources

- Intelligence and National Security: Profiles in intelligence: an interview with Tony Comer (GCHQ historian)
- War on the Rocks: Building a Cyber Force Is Even Harder Than You Thought
- Technology Review: Meet the NSA spies who shape the future
- War on the Rocks; Five Reasons Not to Split Cyber Command from the NSA Any Time Soon – If Ever
- Matthew Green: Attack of the week: Voice calls in LTE
- Upturn: Mass Extraction: The Widespread Power of U.S. Law Enforcement to Search Mobile Phones
- Deutsche Welle: Modern spy satellites in an age of space wars
- Errata Security: How CEOs think
- Ars Technica: The Snowden Legacy, part one: What’s changed, really?
- New York Review of Books: Edward Snowden Reconsidered
- Motherboard: Important Hacking Shop You’ve Never Heard Of
- Modern War Institute: The intelligence cycle is broken. Here's how to fix it.
- NSA Paper: The Inevitability of Failure: The Flawed Assumption of Security in Modern Computing Environments
- The Drive: Mysterious US Army Spy Plane Turns Up at the Boneyard in Arizona
- Nautilus Institute: US signals intelligence (SIGINT) activities in Japan 1945 – 2015
- Hoover Institution: Nobody But Us - The Rise and Fall of the Golden Age of Signals Intelligence
- Henry Jackson Society: Surveillance After Snowden (2015)
- The New York Times: Amid Trump Inquiry, a Primer on Surveillance Practices and Privacy (2017)
- Newsweek: How Snowden smartened up our spying (2016)
- The Nation: 5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry (2016)
- NSA’s top hacking boss explains how to protect your network from his attack squads (2015)
- Researchers Solve Juniper Backdoor Mystery; Signs Point to NSA (2015)
- The FISA Court’s Uncelebrated Good Points (2015)
- Zone d'Intérêt: U.S. Intelligence Support to Find, Fix, Finish Operations (2015)
- Truther Guide: Cryptoanarchists (2015)
- David Omand: Understanding Digital Intelligence and the Norms That Might Govern It (.pdf) (2015)
- A Guide to the 5+ Known Intelligence Community Telecommunications Metadata Dragnets
- Executive Order 12333 on American Soil, and Other Tales from the FISA Frontier
- Matthew Green about NSA's efforts to break internet encryption protocols
- About NSA's AURORAGOLD program: NSA Hacking of Cell Phone Networks
- About FBI "backdoor" searches: When Is Congress Going to Rein In FBI Surveillance?
- Robert Sesek: Unraveling NSA's TURBULENCE Programs
- Belgian report: De Snowden-revelaties: Massale data-captatie en politieke spionage(pdf)
- Future Force: How Do We Deal with a Flood of Data?
- PBS Frontline: United States of Secrets - Part 1 - Part 2
- How the NSA (may have) put a backdoor in RSA’s cryptography
- The errors of Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald
- Munk Debates: Glenn Greenwald Debates Former NSA Director Michael Hayden
- The Cowboy of the NSA
- Transcript: Interview with NSA Deputy Director John Inglis
- Der Spiegel: GCHQ Revealed: Inside Her Majesty’s Listening Service
- The Telegraph: Edward Snowden: Did the American whistleblower act alone?
- Ars Technica: Deep packet inspection meets ‘Net neutrality, CALEA
- A Washington Post Investigation: Top Secret America
- Historical information about NSA collected by Federation of American Scientists (FAS)
- A crash course about the Canadian signals intelligence agency CSEC
- Paper about the intelligence capabilities of France, Germany, Italy and Turkey (pdf)
- A primer on elliptic curve cryptography
- Stuxnet's Secret Twin
- Nigel Inkster: Snowden – myths and misapprehensions
- About President of United States: Secret Service Protection
- The Guardian's NSA Files: Decoded (2013)
- About NSA’s Activities: Valid Foreign Intelligence Targets Are the Focus (2013)
- Overview of Cloud Computing in the Intelligence Community (2013)
- Extensive Employee's Guide to Security Responsibilities
- Wikipedia listing of Signals intelligence operational platforms by nation
- NSA eavesdropping: How it might work
- The National Security Archive: The National Security Agency Declassified (2000/2005)

Signals Intelligence agencies:

- United States: National Security Agency (NSA)
- United Kingdom: Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)
- Canada: Communications Security Establishment (CSE)
- Australia: Australian Signals Directorate (ASD, formerly DSD)
- New Zealand: Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB)
- Sweden: Försvarets radioanstalt (FRA)
- Denmark: Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE)
- The Netherlands: Joint SIGINT Cyber Unit (JSCU)
- Israel: Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU)
(in other countries, signals intelligence is part of the armed forces or the foreign intelligence agency)

Information Assurance agencies and divisions:

- United States: Information Assurance Directorate (IAD)
   - Information Assurance Support Environment (IASE)
   - Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS)
   - National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC)
- United Kingdom: Communications-Electronics Security Group (CESG)
- Germany: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)
- Italy: Organismo di Certificazione della Sicurezza Informatica (OCSI)
- France: Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information (ANSSI)
- The Netherlands: Nationaal Bureau voor Verbindingsbeveiliging (NBV)
- NATO: Information Assurance Technical Centre (IATC)
- European Union: European Union Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)
- United Nations: Department of Safety & Security (DSS)

US Intelligence Community contractors::

- The World's Top 100 Largest military contractors
- SAIC - Leidos - CSRA - CACI - Booz Allen Hamilton
- Raytheon - General Dynamics - Boeing - Northrop Grumman
- L-3 Communications - CIS Secure Computing - Advanced Programs, Inc. (API) - Dell - PiccoTek
- Jasint - OptiMetrics - 2HB
- DRT - Klas Telecom - MacAulay-Brown
- Narus - Verint - IP Fabrics
- Mandiant - Endgame - CrowdStrike
- Azimuth - Linchpin Labs - Immunity
- and many more...


- Covert Government/Military Interception of International Telcommunications (1999)
- Duncan Campbell, Inside Echelon (2000)
- Duncan Campbell, Paper 1: Echelon and its role in COMINT (2001)
- Homepage of Duncan Campbell
- Homepage of Nicky Hager

Documentaries about NSA:

- CBS, 60 Minutes, 2014: Inside the NSA
- PBS: NOVA, 2009: The Spy Factory
- CNN, 2001: Inside the NSA (transcript)
- History Channel, 2000: America's Most Secret Agency
- Discovery Channel, 1997: Inside the NSA

Intelligence studies associations:

- Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association: NISA
- Belgian Intelligence Studies Centre: BISC
- Center for the Study of Intelligence at the CIA
- Canadian Association for Intelligence and Security Studies: CASIS
- Gesprächskreis Nachrichtendienste in Deutschland: GKND
- Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda & Security Studies: ACIPSS
- International Intelligence History Organization: IIHA

- European Network of National Intelligence Reviewers: ENNIR

- Best practices for Intelligence Oversight

Approved cryptographic products:

- For the United States / Secure Products Wiki
- For the United Kingdom
- For France
- For The Netherlands
- For Poland
- For the European Union
- For NATO

Websites about cryptographic equipment:

- Website about Cipher Machines
- The Dutch virtual Crypto Museum
- Jerry Proc's website about Crypto Machines
- Richard Brisson's collection of Vintage Cryptographic Artifacts
- Brooke Clark's pages about Crypto Machines
- Pictures by nesnet: Secure Phones
- Dirk Rijmenants' Cipher Machines and Cryptology

General telephony technology

- Citizen Lab: The Many Identifiers in Our Pockets: A primer on mobile privacy and security
- Weblog about internetworking:
- The electronics of the Digital Non-Secure Voice Terminal (DNVT)
- eLectures about Telecommunications from ISDN and GSM to VoIP

General telephony history

- The American JKL Museum of Telephony
- Adam Forrest's website: Manufactured Discontinued
- In general: Telephone Collectors International
- Collection of European telephones:
- Library of telephony documents
- The historical AT&T Tech Channel
- The history of UK Telephones and Telephony
- The Dutch Online Telephone Museum
- Vintage Dutch phones: Telefoniemuseum Rotterdam - Dutch Telecom
- Website about America's Cold War Infrastructure
- Yahoo news group about Cold War Communications
- Dutch weblog about Ongelukken in de krijgsmacht

General telephony websites

- Office Phone Systems
- Telefon Forum

General Internet technology

- Verizon: Digital Security & Tech Hub
- Fiber-optic Data Rates - or Speeds
- Basic tutorial about computer networking:
- The 2017 Online Privacy Guide for Journalists
- Dutch glossary: Begrippen: VPN en Internetveiligheid

Do It Yourself

- Choosing a secure password: Schneier on Security
- Find your hacked passwords:
- Check whether an account has been compromised:
- Encryption and encoding made easy: GCHQ's CyberChef
- Recover your data after a ransomware attack:
- Various checkup tools:
- Map your internet:
- Try and learn cryptography:

- Articles from this weblog posted on Reddit (old) Reddit (new) and Hacker News (old) Hacker News (new)

More links will be added gradually!


Brianna said...

To Whom it may concern:

I am the social media manager for The Museum of Telephony. My role is to ensure the brand and content is done in a professional matter. I have been directed by Steven, "the Curator" to kindly request to change the description from "weblog" to ether "website" or "site" because "weblog" is too formal (I can't remember the last time someone used the phrase other than defining the word.) Most importantly, such phrase also DEVALUES the site, because despite it being hosted on WordPress, this site FAR from expressing personal thoughts from some emotionally troubled person, as "blogs" are stereotypically known for. He has spent five years, and possibly millions of words to describe said subjects over the hundreds of pictures. He also has nearly fifty WP pages that also link to posts within the "site" as we call it here.

We use "weblogs" (in your term) as a content management system, not to express our interest or history. It's a website for sure in the opinion.

If the change of description is informal for your standards, we both request you remove the link per to our request.

Thank you,

P/K said...

The link to The Museum of Telephony has been removed.

Yeng said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Rommerzzz said...

By pulling the link entirely contradicts what it is you're trying to do here. They presented their argument in a professional manner, they didn't mind the link being posted. They just appear to take their work seriously and with passion.

Dirk Rijmenants said...


Just a quick note to let you that my website Cipher Machines and Cryptology, listed on your links page, has moved. Would be great if you could correct the link.

Best regards

In Dutch: Meer over het wetsvoorstel voor de Tijdelijke wet cyberoperaties