(Updated: January 22, 2025)
After providing lists of NSA-related codenames, abbreviations and SIGADs, we now publish a list of the designations of the numerous divisions and units of the NSA organization itself.
Unlike other intelligence agencies such as CIA or DIA, NSA never disclosed its internal organizational structure. The following overview has been reconstructed based upon information which over the years became available from various sources, including many documents from the Snowden-leaks.
This list only gives the alphanumeric designations, the official name and, if available, the logo of NSA branches. For a description of what the most important divisions do, click the links in the list or visit the websites mentioned under Links and Sources.
In 2007, the NSA had a workforce of 36,371:
- 18,849 of which were NSA civilians
- 17,522 of which were Service military/civilians*
In 2013, the following numbers of people worked for NSA/CSS:
- NSA: ca. 21,500 civilian personnel and ca. 13,500 military personnel
- CSS (tactical SIGINT collection units): ca. 12,000 military personnel
- 18,849 of which were NSA civilians
- 17,522 of which were Service military/civilians*
In 2013, the following numbers of people worked for NSA/CSS:
- NSA: ca. 21,500 civilian personnel and ca. 13,500 military personnel
- CSS (tactical SIGINT collection units): ca. 12,000 military personnel
Update: In 2016, a major internal reorganization of NSA was initiated
D: Office of the Director
D0: Director's Staff
D01: Director’s Operation Group (DOG)
D05: Director’s Secretariat
D07: Office of Protocol
D08: Homeland Security Support Office (HSSO)
D1: Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
D11: Assistant Inspector General (AIG) *
D14: Office of Investigations
D2: Office of the General Counsel (OGC)
D21: Intelligence LawD4: Office of the Director of Compliance (ODOC)
D22: Legislation
D23: Administrative Law and Ethics
D24: ?
D28: Litigation and Management
D5: Corporate Assessments Office
D5T: Technology Test and EvaluationD6: Office of Equal Employment Oppertunity
D7: Central Security Service (CSS)
D709: CSS Staff and ResourcesD8: Community ELINT Management Office (CEMO)
D7D: Cryptologic Doctrine Office
D7P: Office of Military Personnel
D7R: Director's Reserve Forces Advisor
D9 : ?
DA: Directorate of Acquisition
Senior Acquisition Executive (SAE)
DB: Corporate Strategy
DC: Director’s Chief of Staff
DC0: SupportDE: Unified Cryptologic Architecture Office (OCAO)
DC3: Policy
DC31: Corporate PolicyDC4: Corporate Strategic Planning and Performance
DC32: Information Policy
DC321: Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA)DC33: Technology Security, Export, and Encryption Policy
DC322: Information Security and Records Management
DC3221: Information Security PolicyDC323: Automated Declassification Services
DC3223: Records Management Policy
DC36 Vital Records Program
DC6: External Relations & Communications
DC6C2: NSA Internal Communications *DC8: Corporate Management Services
DF: Chief Financial Manager (CFM)
DJ: (Community Integration) Policy and Records Office (CIPR)*
Associate Director for (Community Integration) Policy and Records (ADPR)
DJ1/DJP1: ?DK: Chief Information Officer (CIO)
DJ2/DJP2: Information Security Policy
DJ4: Freedom of Information and Privacy Office
DJ6/DJP6: Records Management Policy Office
DL: Legislative Affairs Office (LAO)
DN: NSA Public Affairs Office (PAO)
DN1: ?
DN2: Multimedia Solutions
DP: Foreign Affairs Directorate (FAD)
DP0: ?DT: Office of the Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
DP09: FAD StaffDP1: Special Advisor for Foreign Partner Strategies
DP11: Second Party Affairs officeDP2: ?
DP12: India office
DP13: Central/Eastern Europe office
DP14: Multinational, Military, NATO and Coalition Affairs office
DP15: Office of Russian Affairs *
DP16: Multinational/Second Party Office
DP21: Information Assurance?DP3: Technical Services Group *
E: Associate Directorate for Education and Training (ADET)
E1: Educational Services and Staff
E2: Educational Technology Integration
E3: NCS Center for Language *
E4: Intelligence Analysis and Information Assurance
E5: Signals Analysis, Cryptanalysis, and Math
E6: ?
E63: ?E9: ?
E92: National Cryptologic School *EL: Center for Leadership and Professional Development
EL3: Intelligence Analysis Skill Community *
F: Field sites
F1: Cryptologic Services Groups (CSGs)
F1A2: Office of the NSA Representative of US Diplomatic Missions
F1C: ?
F1CA: Cryptologic Services Group USSTRATCOMF1I: ?
F1CD: Life Cycle Logistics
F1CD1: Technical Services Group
F1I2: Joint Interagency Task Force SouthF1T: Liaison Office for USSOCOM *
F1T1: Cryptologic Services Group USSOCOMF1Z: Cryptologic Services Group CENTCOM
F1Z2: Deputy Chief, CSG CENTCOM
F2: NSA/CSS Europe and Africa (NCEUR)
F20: ?F3: ?
F202: NSA unit in Stuttgart Vaihingen, GermanyF22: European Cryptologic Center (ECC) near Darmstadt, Germany
F204: Support to Military Operations for AFRICOM
F23: NCER Mons, Belgium
F25: European Technical Center (ETC) in Wiesbaden, Germany
F28: Special US Liaison Activity Germany (SUSLAG) in Bad Aibling, Germany
F313: Combined Group Germany (CGG) in Augsburg, Germany
F32: ?
F33: SUSLO CanberraF321: Liaison Officer at Digby SIGINT Operations Centre
F4: ?
F406: NCPAC (NSA/CSS Pacific) SIGINT Operations Division *F41: ?
F411: Military Operations Branch
F412: ?
F41221: NSA/CSS Representative Japan (NCRJ)
F5: Liaison Support Groups
F51: Liaison Support Group at CIA

F6: Special Collection Service (SCS)
F61: Field Operations Office/SCS
F66: ?
F666E: (SCS unit in the US embassy in Berlin?)
F7: ?
F71: Operations Center Georgia
F74: Meade Operations Center (MOC)
F741: Deployments & Training DivisionF77: Menwith Hill Station (MHS)
F74?: Special Operations Readiness Cell (SORC)
F77F: Menwith Hill unitF78: Australian Mission Ground Station (AMGS, Pine Gap)
F79: Misawa Security Operations Center (MSOC)F8: ?
F79F: Misawa unitF7A: Alaska Mission Operations Center (AMOC)
F7U: Utah Regional Operations Center (UROC)
F81: Bad Aibling Station, Germany (-2004)F9: ?
F83: RAF Menwith Hill (1966-present)
F91: ?
F92: Yakima Research Station (YRS)
F921: YRS Operations Division *
FC: NSA/CSS Colorado (NSAC)
FCS: Signals Intelligence Department, Colorado
FG: NSA/CSS Georgia (NSAG)
FGD: Director, Georgia
FGS: Signals Intelligence Department, Georgia
FGS2F: SW Asia Narcotics
FGS3: Transnational issues groupFGV: Threat Operations Center, Georgia
FG32: ?
FG3223: Media Exploitation & Analysis
FGS2E3: Middle East/North Africa shop
FGT3322: ISR Support Team
FGT342: ISR Support Team

FHQ: Security Department, Hawaii
FHS: Signals Intelligence Department, Hawaii
FHS2I: Counter-Terrorism (CT) Product Line
FHS2I2: Sunni ExtremismFHS32: Network Development Department
FHT: Technology Department, Hawaii
FHT322: Office of Information Sharing
FHT332: IT Customer Solutions
FHV: Threat Operations Center, Hawaii
FHX: ?
FHX4: ?
FTS: Signals Intelligence Department, Texas
FTS2: Analysis and ProductionFTV: Threat Operations Center, Texas
FTS2F1: "Southern Arc"FTS3: Data Acquisition
FTS2F2: Transnational Crime and Narcotics (TCN)
FTS32: Tailored Access Operations
FTS327: Requirements & targeting
(ca. 3000 employees)
I0: Chief of Staff
I01: Office of Policy
I01C: Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS)
I2: Trusted Engineering Solutions
I3: OperationsI209: Support StaffI21: Architecture
I22: Engineering
I23: ?
I231: HAIPE Program Management Office (PMO)I2N: National Nuclear Command Capabilities (N2C2) Mission
I31: Current OperationsI4: Fusion, Analysis and Mitigation
I33: Remote & Deployed Operations
I3?: Mission Integration Office
I3?: Technical Security Evaluations
I3?: Red Cell
I3?: Blue Cell
I3?: Advanced Adversary Network Penetration Cell
I4 ?
I412: ?
I422: Joint COMSEC Monitoring Activity (JCMA)
I5: ?
I54: ?I7: ?
I542: ?
I543: ?
I73: ?I8: ?
I735: ?
I82: ?IE: Engagement
I823: ?I85: ?
I8231: Microelectronics Anti-Tamper Solutions
I853: Cryptographic Engines, Modules, and Tokens
IS: Strategy
IC: Cyber Integration
IV: Oversight and Compliance
K: National Security Operations Center (NSOC)
K?: SIGINT Mission Management (SMM)
K??: [...] SIGINT Mission Management (APSMM)K9: Capabilities and Sustaining Systems (CASS)
K??: [...] SIGINT Mission Management (CRSMM)
K?: Counter-Terrorism Mission Management Center (CTMMC)
K92: Current Capabilities for Mission Management (C2M2)
L: Associate Directorate for Installations and Logistics (ADIL)
L0: I&L Staff
LF: Facilities Services
LFl: Space Management and Facilities PlanningLL: Logistics Services
LF2: ?
LF3: Operations, Maintenance and Utilities
LF4: ?
LF5: Program Management
LL1: Material Management
LL2: Transportation, Asset, and Disposition Services
LL22: Passport Services TeamLL3: Employee Morale Services
LL23: ?LL234M: Property SupportLL24: Material Disposition Services (MDS)
LL241: Secure Collection Services
LL242: Chemical Excess Center
LL243: Secure Paper Conversion and Precious Metals Reclamation
LL244: CLEANSWEEP/Warehouse
LL4: ?
LL42: Corporate Travel Services
M: Associate Directorate for Human Resource Services (ADHRS)
MA: Office of Workforce Strategies
MB: Office of Recruitment and Staffing
MC: Office of Diversity Management (ODM)
MD: Office of Human Resource Program Management & Service
MD6: SID Human Resources Service Center *ME: Office of Occupational Health, Environmental & Safety Services (OHESS)
MG: Office of Global Human Resource Services
M2: Office of Military Personnel
M3: Office of Civilian Personnel
M4: ?
M43: Information Policy DivisionMJ: ?
MJ1: HR operations/global personnel SA
Q: Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence (ADS&CI)
Q0: Staff
Q05: Security Operations Center (SOC)Q1: Office of Physical Security
Q07: NSA Counterintelligence Center (NSACC)
Q09: Security Support Staff
Q2: Office of Personnel SecurityQ123: ?
Q3: Investigations DivisionQ223: Counterintelligence Awareness Office
Q242: Special Actions
Q31: ?Q5: Office of Security
Q311: Counterintelligence Investigations
Q312: Compromise Investigations Branch
Q7: CounterintelligenceQ509: Security Policy StaffQ51: Physical Security Division
Q52: Field Security Division
Q56: Security Awareness
Q57: Polygraph
QJ: Joint Program Security Office
R: Research Associate Directorate (RAD or RD)
R1: Mathematics Research Group *
R2: Trusted Systems Research
R21: Cryptographic IA ResearchR3: Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS)
R211: ?R22: IA Engineering Research
R213: High Confidence Software and Systems (HCSS)?
R222: ?R23: Defense Computing Research
R223: Research Integration
R224: ?
R225: ?
R4: Laboratory for Telecom Services (LTS)
R5: Language Studies
R6: Computer Information and Science
R63: Innovative Exploration TechniquesRX: Special Access Research
R64: ?
R65: ?
R66: ?
R66E: Human Language Technology ResearchR67: Human Language Technology
R6?: Coping with Information Overload Office
R6?: Disruptive Technologies Office (DTO)
RV: Oversight and Compliance
(ca. 24.000 employees)
S0: SID Staff
S01: Deputy for Integrated PlanningS1: CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS
S012: ?S02: Communications and Support Operations
S0121: SID CommunicationsS01R: SIGINT Acquisition and Capabilities *
S01X: SIGINT Planning, Programming and Execution
S01X1: Technical Support Program Management Office (TSPMO)
S0231: SID Policy StaffS02C: SIGINT Communications *
S024: Cover, Control, and Special Access Programs
S0242: ?
S02L: ?
S02L1: SIGINT PolicyS02O: SIGINT Operations Staff *
S02L3: SID Intelligence Security Issues *
S02S1: SID Property Office *
S02S2: SID Travel Office *
S11: Customer Gateway
S111: (Desk for coordinating RFIs and responses)S12: Information Sharing Services Branch
S112: Customer Account Management (for NATO/DEA/DoJ/DoC/etc.)
S12A: Reporting Board *S13: Military Integration Office *
S12B: ?
S12C: Consumer Services Unit *
S12C1: Intelink and Interface ServicesS12?: Partnership Dissemination Cell (PDC)
S1213: SIGINT Post-Publication ServicesS124: Staff Services Division
...S12R: SID Reporting Board
S12M2: Marketing and Communications Branch
S12T: Technology Services *
S1311: Blue Force CellS14: National Tactical Integration Office (NTIO)*
S132: Plans & Exercises (PLEX) Division *
S14R: Expeditionairy Requirements DivisionS17: Strategic Intelligence/Economic and Global Issues
S14R2: External Programs Branch
S1E: Electromagnetic Space Program Management Office
S1N: ?
S1N2: ?S1P: Plans & Exercises Division
S1N3: ?
S20: A&P Staff
S202A4: Center for Digital ContentS21: ?
S202B: Analytic Technologies for the Enterprise
S202B11: Operational Technologies
S203A: Access Interface Portfolio
S211: ?S22: ?
S211A: Advanced Analysis Lab *S212: ?
S21212: Content Analysis ServicesS214: Center for Executive Protection
S215: Advanced Analysis Division (AAD)
S21T: TRAILBLAZER Mission Element
S23: Human Language Technology (HLT)
S24: Analytic Services and Technology (AS&T)*
S241: Advanced Intelligence Research Services (AIRS)S2A: South Asia Product Line
S2413: Center for Time-Sensitive InformationS242: Analytic Technologies for the Enterprise
S243: Technology Management Services
...S2B: China, Korea, Taiwan Product Line
S2A21: Sudan/North Africa teamS2A4: Pakistan
S2A5: (South-Asia)
S2A51: S-A Language Analysis Branch
S2A52: S-A Reporting Branch
S2B33: Office of China and KoreaS2C: International Security Issues (ISI) Product Line
S2C13: Strategic Partnerships & Energy SIGDEVS2D: Counter Intelligence and HUMINT Support
S2C21: ?
S2C22: Targeting Office of Primary Interest (TOPI) *
S2C32: European States Branch
S2C41: Mexico Leadership Team
S2C42: Brazilian Leadership Team
S2C51: ?
S2C52: (United Nations?)*
S2C53: Greece and Ukraine *
S2D1: Central Eurasia DivisionS2E: Middle East and Africa (MEA) Product Line
S2D31: Support to HUMINT operations
S2D32: Follow-the-People branch
S2E22: Iraq branchS2F: International Crime & Narcotics (ICN) Product Line
S2E3: Near East Division
S2E32: North African BranchS2E4: Iran? Division
S2E321: Egypt Team *S2E33: LEVANT Internal Team *
S2E41: Iran Government Branch
S2E43: Iran Leadership Branch
S2F1: ("Southern Arc"?)S2G: Counter Proliferation (CP) Product Line
S2F21: Transnational Organized Crime *
S2F214: Money laundering?
S2G21: Office of Proliferation and Arms ControlS2H: Russia Product Line
S2G6: Office of Combating Proliferation
S2H2: ?
S2H21: Russian Foreign Policy *
S2H3: Russian WMD and Defense Technologies *
S2H4: Russian Military *
S2H46: Technical Analysis Branch *
S2I: Counter-Terrorism (CT) Product Line
S2I02: Management Services *S2J: Weapons and Space Product Line
S2I11: Al Qa'ida Senior Leadership BranchS2I2: Middle East and Iraq Division
S2I12: ?
S2I13: Global Jihad Support Network Branch
S2I3: ?
S2I35: ? (related to RC-135U?)S2I4: Homeland Security Analysis Center (HSAC)
S2I41: Branch ManagementS2I5: Advanced Analysis Division (AAD)
S2I42: Hezbollah Team
S2I43: NOM Team
S2I51: ?S2I?: Metadata Analysis Center (MAC)
S2IX: Special CT Operations
S2K: ?
S2K12: Target Behavior; and the Europe and Africa IMT *S2L: Geospatial Exploitation Office (GEO)
S2L1: Operations DivisionS2T: Current Threats
S2S: ?
S2S1: Metadata Analysis Center (MAC)
Communications Event Analysis Center (CEAC)
S31: Cryptanalysis and Exploitation Services (CES)
S310: ?
S31091: Military Operations Branch
S311: Office of Target Pursuit (OTP)...
S3117: Cryptanalytic Exploitation & DiscoveryS31122: Unidentified Protocols team
S31131: Exploitation branche
S31133: Exploitation branche
S31142: Exploitation branche
S31143: Exploitation branche
S31153: Target Analysis Branch of Network Information Exploitation *
S31171: PRC, N-Korea, SE Asia, JapanS31??: Technical Exploitation Center (TEC)
S31172: Iran, Hamas, Iraq, Saudi Arabia
S31173: Africa, Levant, Latin America, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan
S31174: Russia, Counter-Intek, Europe, FTM
S31175: Cross-Target Support Branch
S31176: Custom Thread Development for Network Encryption
S312: ?
S31213: Network Security Products
S31241: Attack Services
S313: Requirements and Thread Management (or Exploitation Solutions Office)
S3132: Protocol Exploitation and DisseminationS31322: Digital Network Crypt Applications (DNCA)S314: ?
S31323: ?
S316: Target Reconaissance and Survey
S3161: Special Deployments Division
S32: Tailored Access Operations (TAO)
S321: Remote Operations Center (ROC)
S321?: Network Ops Center (NOC)S322: Advanced Network Technology (ANT)
S321?: Oper. Readiness Division (ORD)
S321?: Interactive Ops Division (IOD)
S321?: Production Ops Division (POD)
S321?: Access Ops Division (AOD)
S3221: (persistence software)
S3222: (software implants)
S32221: ?S3223: (hardware implants)
S32222: (routers, servers, etc.)
S3224: ?
S32241: ?
S32242: (GSM cell)
S32243: (radar retro-refl.)
S323: Data Network Technologies (DNT)
S3231: Access DivisionS324: Telecomm. Network Technologies (TNT)
S32313: Application Vulnerabilities BranchS3232: Cyber Networks Technology Division
S3234: Computer Technology Division
S3235: Network Technology Division
S325: Mission Infrastructure Technologies (MIT)S32423: ?
S327: Requirements & Targeting (R&T)
S326: Access Operations
S3261: Access and Target Development
S328: Access Technologies & Operations (ATO)
S3283: Expeditionary Access Operations (EAO)S32P: TAO Program Planning Integration
S3285: Persistance POLITERAIN team
S32?: Network Warfare Team (NWT)
S32X: ?
S33: Global Access Operations (GAO) (or Link Access Programs)
S331: Radio Frequency OfficeS34: Target Strategies and Mission Integration (TSMI)
S3311: Radio Exploitation/Corporate HF Services (CHS)
S33113: HF Mission ManagementS3312: FORNSAT
S33121: FORNSAT Planning *S3314: Tactical Platforms Division *
S33123: FORNSAT Planning and Collection Management (FALLOWHAUNT)
S33141: Airborne Collection Management
S332: Terrestrial SIGINT
S3321: ?S333: Office of Overhead SIGINT
S33221: ?
S33223: Processing Systems Engineering and Integration Sector
S3323: Global Operations Management Division
S333?: Overhead Collection Management Center (OCMC)S33P: Portfolio Management Office (PMO)
S3331: Spaceborne Planning *
S33P1: ?S33?: CROSSHAIR Network Management Center (CNMC)
S33P2: Technology Integration Division
S33P3: Tactical SIGINT Technology Office
S342: Collection Coordination and Strategies
S3421: ?S343: Targeting and Mission Management
S3422: Geographical Regions
S3423: Technical Services
S344: Partnership and Enterprise Management
S35: Special Source Operations (SSO)S4: ?
S350: ?S3C: Collection Strategies and Requirements Center (CSRC)
S35093: Target Exploitation ProgramS351: Program Management Division
S3511: Terrestrial RF Division
S352: Engineering & Technical Services Division
S3520: Office of Target Reconaissance and Survey (OTRS)S353: Operations & Discovery Division
S3521: Special Signal Collection unit (MUSKETEER)
S3531: Mission Management for PRISM and FAIRVIEWS35P: Portfolio Management Office
S3532: Engineering & Technical Services Division
S35324: OAKSTAR Program OfficeS3533: Operations & Discovery Division *
S35333: PRISM Collection ManagementS35??: Environmental Analysis Branch
S35P2: Technical Integration Division
S35P3: Capabilities Integration Division
S3C3: ?
S3C32: Collection Forwarding & Outages
S3C33: Initial Flow Management branch
S3M2: (Media Leaks Task Force?)
S3T: ?
S3T1: ?
S3W: Wireless Portfolio Management Office (WPMO)
S44: ?
S444: Special Operational Support
SSG: SIGDEV Strategy and Governance
SSG1: ?
SSG11: ?SSG2: ?
SSG13: ?
SSG21: Net Pursuit Network Analysis Center
SSG22: Network Analysis Center (NAC)
SSG??: Target Analysis Center (TAC)
SSG4: Target Technology Trends Center (T3C)
SE: SIGINT & Electronic Warfare
SV: Oversight and Compliance
SV2: Training
SV21: Access Oversight Training and Strategic GuidanceSV3: Compliance Verification
SV4: FISA Authorities Division
SV41: ?
SV42: Special FISA Oversight and Processing
SV43: ?
TE: Enterprise Systems
TS: Information and Systems Security
TT: Independent Test and Evaluation
T1: Mission Capabilities
T1?: Strategic SATCOM Security Engineering OfficeT2: Business Capabilities
T11: ?
T111: TUTELAGET12: Analytic Capabilities
T121: ?T13: ?
T1211: ?T122: Knowledge Services
T1221: Center for Content Extraction (CCE)
T1222: Enrichment Center/Operations
T132: Structured RepositoriesT14: ?
T1412: (TURBINE team?)T163: Deployment & Infrastructure
T1422: Identifier Scoreboard
T1442: ?
T3: Enterprise IT Services
T314: End User Solutions
T32: ?
T3212: Workflow, Standards and Support
T3221: Transport Field Services (TFS)T332: Global Enterprise Command Center (GECC) *T5: High Performance Computing (HPC) Center
T332?: Data and Network OperationsT333: ?
T332?: NSA Communications Center
T332?: NISIRT (contains CERT and CSIRT)
T33221: Transport Field Services
T3332: Data Operations Center (DOC)T334: National Signals Processing Center (NSPC)
T335: Deployable Communications Operations (DCO)
T33?: National Intelligence and Tactical Operations (NITO)
T53: HPC Integration and ProductionT6: Ground Systems Program Office
T532: Cryptanalytic (CA) Databases
T5323: LONGHAUL team
T9: ?
T99: ?
TV: Office of compliance
V: NSA/CSS Threat Operations Center (NTOC)
V07: ?V2: Office of Analysis
V22: ?
V222: ?
V225: ?
V23: ?V3: Office of Operations
V24: ?
V25: Malicious Activity Discovery-Characterization
V252: ?V26: ?
V32: Defensive Network OperationsV4: Technology Development Support
V33: ?
V34: Next Generation Wireless Exploitation Program
V35: ?
V43: Cyber Profiling and Operations SupportVS: ?
V45: Office of Technology Development
V46: Technology Planning and Assessment
V47: Technology Development
VV: NTOC Oversight and Compliance (NOC)
X: ?
X3: ?
X31: ?
X312: Planning & Management *X32: ?
X3224: ?
? NSA/CSS Commercial Solutions Center (NCSC)
The 2000 reorganization
In the year 2000, then director Michael Hayden reorganized much of NSA's organizational structure. For this the NSA Transformation Office (NTO) was established and the Directorate of Operations and the Directorate of Technology were merged into the Signals Intelligence Directorate (SID).
Also new officers were appointed, like a Chief Financial manager, a Chief Information Officer (CIO), a Senior Acquisition Executive (SAE) and a Transformation Officer. Around the same time, many NSA divisions and units got new designations.
Also in 2000, a Senior Leadership team was formed, consisting of the Director (DIRNSA), the Deputy Director and the Directors of the Signals Intelligence (SID), the Information Assurance (IAD) and the Technology Directorate (TD). The chiefs of other main NSA divisions became Associate Directors of the Senior Leadership team.
The 2016 reorganization
In 2016, NSA director Michael Rogers initiated a reorganization under the name NSA21, which has to prepare the agency for "cyber" challenges. One of the most important changes will be to replace the Signals Intelligence (SID) and Information Assurance (IAD) directorates by a new Directorate of Operations that combines the operational elements of each. The hacking division Tailored Access Operations (TAO) has been renamed into Computer Network Operations. NSA21 reached full operational capability in December 2017.
Also the other existing branches will be reorganized into the following 6 new directorates:
- Workforce and Support Activities
- Business Management and Acquisition
- Engagement and Policy
- Operations
- Capabilities
- Research
- Business Management and Acquisition
- Engagement and Policy
- Operations
- Capabilities
- Research
> See also: The NSA's new organizational designators
Links and Sources
- Observer.com: REORG: How Not to Fix American Intelligence
- NSA: NSA21: Facing Threats to the Nation and Future Challenges with Innovation, Integration, and a Focus on Talent
- Washington Post: National Security Agency plans major reorganization
- Cryptome.org: NSA Salaries 2014
- Marc Ambinder's The NSA's org chart
- TheWeek.com: The NSA's org chart
- MatthewAid.com: Updated NSA Order of Battle
- William M. Arkin Online: NSA Tailored Access Operations
- Independent.co.uk: Inside the NSA: Peeling back the curtain on America's intelligence agency
- TheAtlantic.com: An Educated Guess About How the NSA Is Structured
- GovernmentAttic.org: Extract of pages from the NSA's intranet, 2005 (pdf)
- Cryptome.org: NSA Overhauls Corporate Structure in Effort to Improve Operations (2000)
- FAS.org: National Security Agency - Organization and Functions (before 2000)
How does this mesh with cryptome.org/dier9850chart.pdf ?
...more: http://cryptome.org/jya/nsa-chart.htm
The chart shown on Cryptome is from 1998, it shows the former organizational structure, before it was almost completely reorganized in the year 2000.
These top gov agencies are managed and handled well. I think its mainly because their organizational structure is perfect for managing the organization. I recommend creating org charts for any organization.
Office designations from: www.spiegel.de/media/media-34115.pdf
X13 - USASA 102nd ca. 1966
X21 - USASA [...] ca. 1966
Z03 - NSA European Rep at Frankfurt am Main ca. 1966
Office designations ca. 1994 from https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/Papers/nsaman.pdf (among countless other reposts)
M7 - Office of Medical Services
M51 - Physical Security Division (now Q51)
M52 - Industrial and Field Security Division (now Q52)
M55 - Clearance Division (now Q55)
M56 - Security Awareness Division (now Q56)
Q43 - Information Policy Division (now M43)
Office designations ca. 1987 from http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a186825.pdf pg. 4
R53: ? (reports to the Director's office)
V36: ? (reports to the Director's office)
F83 - RAF Menwith Hill (1966-)
(source: http://www.c4i.org/erehwon/nsa-f83.html)
Just noticed that makes two offices of "Target Reconaissance and Survey" (S316 and S352). Same unit that changed name, or two independant units ?
Well spotted. I think they are two independent units as their name seems to be a more functional description of what they do: look for new targets in that particular field.
LL22 - Passport Services Team
LL42 - Corporate Travel Services
S444 - Special Operational Support
(Source: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3220478/FAIRVIEWSiteBook.pdf)
S351 - Program Management Division
S352 - Engineering & Technical Services Division
S353 - Operations & Discovery Division
(Source: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3220483/BLARNEY-program-overview.pdf)
Thanks! They have been added.
W11 - Defense Special Missile & Aerospace Center
(Source: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a229997.pdf)
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